• * 14. April 2022, Seattle/UCAS, + 12. March 2063
  • Until his death owner of ’Tyron’s Training Hall’ in Tacoma/Seattle
  • Ex-member of OmniSec special forces unit Echo-7 ‘Jungle Cats’ (2055-2057)
  • Ex-member of OmniSec regular and special forces units (2040-2055)
  • In his 40s, 2,65 m, troll, very brawny
  • Clever, companionable, booming laugh, tough as nails, high willpower, guts, extraordinary abilities in unarmed combat, expert for heavy weapons

CONTENT BY: girloutofcontrol

Tyron Fletcher (41) war der Besitzer von “Tyron’s Training Hall” in Fife, Tacoma, Seattle. Als “Sabertooth Tiger” war er von 2055 bis 2057 Mitglied der Spezialkräfteeinheit “Echo-7” (“Jungle Cats”) des Sicherheitsunternehmens “Omnitech Security” (OmniSec), wo er die Position des Platoon Sergeants bekleidete. Zuvor hatte Fletcher fünfzehn Jahre in den regulären Einheiten und später in den Spezialkräfteeinheiten des Söldnerunternehmens gedient. Geboren in Fife/Seattle kam Fletcher aus einer Unterschichtfamilie und eine militärische Karriere stellte für ihn den Weg aus der Armut dar. Mit der Trainingshalle, die er nach seinem Ausscheiden bei OmniSec eröffnete, wollte er Jugendlichen aus seiner alten Gegend eine Chance geben, einen ähnlichen Weg einzuschlagen. Fletcher war ein großer, sehr muskulöser Troll, der legere Kleidung im militärischen Stil bevorzugte. Er war durchaus intelligent, wenngleich er auch keine hohe Bildung genossen hatte. Durch seine hohe Konstitution war er hart im Nehmen. Fletcher war abgebrüht und verfügte über einen eisernen Willen. Daneben war er aber auch ein sehr kameradschaftlicher Typ, der zwar nur wenige engere Freundschaften pflegte, diese aber dann auch sehr ernst nahm. Er fühlte sich immer im Kreise von anderen Söldnern am wohlsten. Eines seiner Markenzeichen war sein lautes, schallendes Lachen. Fletcher war ein Experte für schwere Waffen und verfügte über außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten im waffenlosen Kampf. Dazu war er ein guter Lehrer. Zu seinen engsten Freunden gehörten Caleb Richardson (“Tiger”), Logan Coleman (“Leopard”) und Zachary Pierce (der heute als Berater für die Gang “Tacoma Port Fifers” arbeitet). In seinen letzten Lebensjahren widmete er sich dem Training von Jugendlichen in Fife und hatte vor allem in Anna West (“Cougar”) eine Schülerin gefunden, die es ihm Wert war, ihr sie im waffenlosen Kampf auszubilden und ihr die Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensregeln eines Söldners nahezubringen. Fletcher starb an einer schweren Erkrankung ungeklärter Ursache im Alter von 41 Jahren.
CONTENT BY: girloutofcontrol


  • Useful Page: OMNITECH SECURITY – Arbeitgeber
  • Useful Page: UNIVERSAL OMNITECH – Mutterkonzern von OmniSec
  • Useful Page: JUNGLE CATS – frühere Einheit
  • Useful Page: TIGER – Caleb Richardson, ehemaliger Commander der Einheit und enger Freund
  • Useful Page: LEOPARD – Logan Coleman, ehemaliges Teammitglied und guter Freund
  • Useful Page: COUGAR – Anna West, ehemalige Schülerin in seiner Trainingshalle
  • Useful Page: ZACHARY PIERCE – Söldner und guter Freund
  • Useful Page: TACOMA PORT FIFERS – Gang für die Pierce als Berater arbeitet


  • Useful Actor: ???


Tyron’s Training Hall opened in Tacoma in fall 2057 only a few blocks from our apartment. My skater friends and I were always careful not to piss off the tough guys hanging out there as word got about that Tyron, the troll who managed the training hall, was a dangerous retired elite mercenary who originally came from Tacoma. His friends and connections, all of them elite mercenaries, too (at least that was the rumour) were hanging out there with their old buddy, training and drinking. The purpose of the training hall was also to give local kids with talent the opportunity to train and prepare themselves for possible jobs in the security business. Soon, the local gangers tried to check out the place and use it as a training base for their recruits. Even sooner, they were thrown out (this is meant literally) and from then on, they steered clear of the place. Also the ‘cool’ wannabe-shadowrunner and other local drekheads did not find a new hang-out location there. We only knew very few older kids who were accepted and allowed to train. Tyron’s was kind of a local attraction in Fife, but my friends and I stayed away from the place. We were kids and had other things on our minds. If I wouldn’t have passed by the hall on a daily basis I would have all forgotten about it soon. But in summer 2059 I was attacked by some thugs who nearly killed me and shattered my worldview, my self-confidence, and my trust in other people to the core. I blamed myself as I had provoked them and had made fun of their stupid appearances. While I was burying myself in pain, hate, and self-pity, I thought that if I would have been able to defend myself, this would never have happened to me. Only then I remembered Tyron’s training hall and I became set on the thought that I had to train there in order to be able to defend myself in the future. This became a fixation for me and I think only my determination to talk to Tyron and convince him to let me train at his place gave me the energy to finally get out of bed, collect the remnants of myself, turn them into something new, and head over to the place. A few mercenary guys were sitting in front of the entrance, playing cards. They were clear on not letting me in as I was only a skinny girl of fourteen. Something snapped inside me. I wanted to get in to talk to Tyron in person – even if it would have been the last thing I did on this fucking planet. Years of extensive skating had made me quick, so I gave the one in the lead a good kick against the knee (I was probably only successful cose he would never have envisaged a little girl attacking him after he had made his point clear) and ran through just a shade under his grabbing arms. When I pulled the door open as fast as I could, it accidentally smashed against his head when he was just turning around. While he was cursing and his friends were laughing, I took my chances and ran into the hall, the guy on my heels, cursing me noisily. Somehow I managed to arrive in front of Tyron (at least he was the only troll around and easily to spot) but was just yanked up by the entrance guy. While I was kicking and struggling, the friends of the entrance guy arrived on the scene and explained laughing what had happened outside. Tyron ordered the guy to leave me alone. The man standing next to Tyron, which was Caleb, said: ‘If she’s so damn determined to get into this place in order to talk to Tyron, then let her talk to him, for god’s sake!’ So I explained to Tyron that I wanted to train here in order to be able to defend myself. He examined me and saw the bruises and marks which I could not cover with clothes. When he asked me who I wanted to protect myself from I just gave him a look and said: ‘Have you ever taken a look outside? This is Tacoma, the worst part of it. On these streets you’ll find more mass-murderers, psychopaths, and just plain stupid bastards with no respect for other people’s life than in the whole UCAS. I grew up just a few blocks from here.’ That earned me a booming laugh from Tyron and he asked me why I would not ask a local gang for protection as this would be the normal thing to do. So I explained that I had lost two of my older brothers in the local gang war of 2055 and that I was done with gangs. I had to answer a couple of more questions but in the end, Tyron allowed me to stay and watch for the beginning. If I would be persistent and would be no nuisance to anybody, I would be allowed to train later. I kept in the background for the next weeks and watched and learned. I went there every single day as long as I could and was happy about it. With time, Tyron and the guys accepted me more and more and they taught me to play poker and explained some moves when other people where training. When Tyron learned that my family and I had severe money problems (Lenny had spent so much on the costs for my medical treatment) he gave me a small job in the training hall. I was more than happy to mop the floor. Only after a few months, Caleb finally convinced Tyron that I would be ready for training. When Caleb was in Seattle, he taught me a lot of stuff, but most of the time he was on a mission in the jungles of Latin America and Tyron supervised me. Although Caleb and I were completely in tune with each other and had a very special relationship, Tyron was the single one person I spent most of my time with during the following years and we really got to like each other. He did not only teach me in unarmed combat but also explained the essentials of being a mercenary to me and told me about the importance of having a personal code. He also taught me how to work in a team and how to back up each other. He even helped me with my homework and without him I definitely would have failed in algebra. In fall 2062, Caleb announced that I was ready to start the training period at OmniSec beginning of next year. I was surprised as the original plan was that I would start a year later. But Tyron was backing Caleb up and even Lenny was ok with the plan. Retrospectively I know that they had discussed this without me. I wasn’t aware of the fact that Tyron was very ill and the doctor had told him that he would only have a few months left. Therefore, they didn’t want me around when things got worse. Perhaps it was better for me not being around and hell, I was thrilled to start training at OmniSec. But what about Tyron? Perhaps I could have eased his parting by just being there and spent some quality time with him? I really feel guilty about being away when he died.
CONTENT BY: girloutofcontrol


....encrypted shadowtalk.............................................................................................. [be3al2si6o18]