• 35, * 09. Jan. 2037, Washington, FDC/UCAS
  • Supervising UO Operator for OmniSec (since 2070)
  • UO Operator for OmniSec unit Echo-7 (since 2058)
  •  1,91 m, Caucasian, handsome, medium length, blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp features with pronounced cheekbones, disdainful and factitious smile, expensive suits and accessories
  • Charismatic at a first glance, domineering, manipulative, control freak, extremely arrogant and patronizing, eloquent speaker and social impostor, smooth appearance, promiscuous, emotionally cold, without scruple, psychopathically personality disorder
  • His father is Harold Grey, a high ranking exec from UO

CONTENT BY: girloutofcontrol


  • Useful Page: UNIVERSAL OMNITECH – Konzern, für den er arbeitet
  • Useful Page: OMNITECH SECURITY – Ist dort als leitender Operator für UO tätig
  • Useful Page: MADISON TAYLOR-HILL – CEO von OmniSec
  • Useful Page: HAROLD GREY – Vater, Exec bei UO
  • Useful Page: JUNGLE CATS – Üezialkräfteeinheit von OmniSec, die er hat auflösen lassen
  • Useful Page: TIGER – MAJ Caleb Richardson, ehemaliger Commander der Jungle Cats
  • Useful Page: COUGAR – Persönliche Feindin, ehemaliges Mitglied der Jungle Cats



COUGAR: Caleb warned me about our operator before I had my first interview with him. He said that Jared Grey is an arrogant, sick, and mean bastard, but that he’s an intelligent and very dangerous one. He likes to play power games and to humiliate people. Everyone in the team loathed him. I was prepared for the interview, I thought, but hell, how wrong was I! Jared L. Grey is the most hateful person I ever met. And it seems that he hates me even more. I don’t understand why, perhaps it was something I said or did during the interview? I’ve ran it through my head again and again but I can’t tell what the trigger was. Quite soon at the beginning of the interview he told me that he did not think me good enough to be part of the team. He began to suggest that I had a sexual relationship with Caleb and that this would be the only reason why Caleb would request my assignment to his unit. As I had sworn to Caleb that I wouldn’t lose my temper whatsoever Grey would try, I stayed calm but I would have loved to beat him to death right there on his fucking desk. He continued to ask me questions like this and was insisting that I was too young, too inexperienced, too untalented, too low-class, too stupid, and too female to possibly be allowed to be assigned to the Jungle Cats. He wasn’t saying all these things so plain, oh no, he was smiling and ‘just stating some facts’ in a polite and friendly manner. But when he said one thing, his eyes, his facial expression and his body language were telling you quite another story. That was the single most unpleasant conversation I ever had until that point. The personal interviews in the following years were even worse. Caleb and Jared Grey had a problem with each other, too. I don’t know exactly what the reason was, but I can tell from the volume of the yelling behind closed doors, that they didn’t engage in professional talk. However, I believe that Grey only got that position at UO through his wealthy and powerful family. He’s absolutely unsuitable for that kind of job, he’s a total ignorant. Moreover, this fucking asshole spread some rumours at UO and OmniSec about the thing he imagined Caleb and I would have. That filthy bastard. Perhaps I should have had him beat to death during that first interview. The worst thing for me was that these rumours not only were directed at me but that they also blurred Caleb’s reputation. And that really made me mad. I don’t know what’s wrong with that asshole but he’s seriously sick and has a very twisted view of people in general and women in particular. Although I hate him as much as possible, all my senses tell me that he’s dangerous. He’s sometimes giving me the creeps. Once, at an UO party to which Crystal forced me to go, suddenly and without obvious reason, I felt a shiver ran down my spine and felt my hackles rise. Only when I looked around I recognized Grey standing at a table at the other side of the room, watching me with his cold eyes and a venomously smile on his lips. In the end, he succeeded in getting me to the point where I really lost my temper. It was at Caleb’s funeral where he gave a speech which nearly made me throw up. Then he officially announced that the unit was disbanded and openly protested when I laid down the flag of our unit on his coffin. A bit later, he got to me when I was sitting alone in a corner to take a short break from everything and everyone. He maliciously told me how incompetent and incapable I had acted when I abandoned the mission after the funk contact was jammed. He promised me that I won’t have any future at OmniSec. He told me all my stupid actions were completely in vain as Caleb died anyway. Then he supposed that I perhaps had deliberately let him die, ‘probably you got tired of that old geezer’, he said. At that moment I snapped and knocked him down and beat him again and again and again in his ugly face. I also must have yelled various insults, but I can’t remember that. They needed two men to yank me up from his body and to restrain me from getting again to him. Not surprisingly, this led to my detention and my dishonourable discharge from OmniSec. Not only was my career at UO over, but no other unit in the world would take me in after that. At the end of the day, Grey got what he wanted: he destroyed my career. Although it cost him a plastic surgery to get his ugly face in shape again. I don’t regret to have beaten him but of course it was a stupid thing to do. The only positive side effect is that I don’t have to meet that sick bastard again in my life.

CONTENT BY: girloutofcontrol


....encrypted shadowtalk.............................................................................................. [be3al2si6o18]